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Project Details

Title:9th St./57th St. Corridor Analysis: West Fargo, ND and Fargo, ND
End Date:October 2008


The southwest portion of the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area has experienced significant growth over the past several years. As a result, traffic congestion has also developed within this area, as well as along corridors accessing other portions of the metropolitan area. To help alleviate the congestion at the Sheyenne St. and I-94 Interchange and provide a more convenient alternative for the deployments between Sheyenne St. and 45th St., an interchange at 9th St./57th St. will be constructed in 2009.

The 9th St./57th St. corridor will serve as a north/south arterial roadway. A challenge facing transportation agencies relates to providing adequate capacity to reasonably accommodate the projected, long-term traffic volume while having access to limited funds. This study will provide insight in selecting an appropriate roadway design. The main objective of this study was to determine if a four-lane roadway will provide adequate capacity for the 9th St./57th St. corridor between I-94 and 52nd Ave. S. In addition, the level of congestion along 9th St./57th St. will be evaluated at the intersections of 23rd Ave. S. and 32nd Ave. S.

Keywords: West Fargo, Fargo, travel demand model, traffic simulation, CORSIM

Final Report

Download Report (PDF, 575K)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050