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Project Details

Title:Transit Signal Priority Demonstration Project: Phase I
End Date:June 2008


Transit signal priority is a tool to help transit systems become more reliable and cost effective. Using a variety of traffic signal timing hardware and control strategies, transit vehicles can incur less delay time at signalized intersections by giving them more right-of-way (priority) over other motor vehicles. Therefore, the transit vehicle may be able to complete its route in a shorter amount of time. However, there are usually negative impacts on other traffic that must be taken into consideration.

Metro Area Transit (MAT) would like to reduce the travel time for some of its routes. If travel times are reduced, MAT may be able to combine routes and expand service to other areas. This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of implementing TSP along two transit routes in Fargo, ND. Key components include determining and installing the required hardware/software to the traffic signals and transit vehicles, evaluating before and after transit vehicle travel time, and documenting lessons learned from the demonstration that may assist future implementations.

Keywords: Fargo, transit signal priority, intelligent transportation systems

Final Report

Download Report (PDF, 6790K)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050