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Project Details

Title:Evaluating the Impacts of the US2/52 Bypass Improvements: Minot, ND
End Date:August 2002


ATAC assisted the NDDOT and the City of Minot in evaluating potential impacts of access and traffic control modifications to the US2/52 Bypass. The analysis primarily focused on the delay impacts and associated user costs by installing traffic signals along US2/52 Bypass, converting it from freeway operations to expressway operations. Synchro was used to develop timing plans for affected intersections and CORSIM was used to estimate impacts and associated user costs.

Keywords: Minot, user costs, Synchro, CORSIM

Final Report

Completed Report: Download Report (PDF, 222K)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050