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Project Details

Title:Moorhead High School and Sports Center Traffic Circulation and Pedestrian Safety Study
End Date:September 2001
Keywords:case studies, pedestrian safety, questionnaires, school safety, traffic flow


The main objectives of this study were to assess traffic operations and safety in the Moorhead Senior High School and Moorhead Sports Center vicinity and to develop and evaluate effective alternatives addressing any deficiencies. Several agencies were involved to identify potential issues, including F-M Metro COG, Moorhead Senior High School, Moorhead Public Works, Moorhead Parks and Recreation, and Moorhead Police. Field data were collected at key locations to examine traffic flow and pedestrian activity at or near the school. Several short-term and long-term strategies were proposed to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety.

Final Report

Completed Report: Download Report (PDF, 10752K)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050