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Project Details

Title:Signal Warrant Analysis for 13th Ave. S.: West Fargo, ND
End Date:February 2001
Keywords:impacts, signalized intersections, traffic control, traffic delays, traffic simulation, unsignalized intersections


The focus of this study was to evaluate impacts from various traffic control strategies and traffic levels on the 13th Ave. S. corridor in West Fargo. The study area included two signalized intersections and three unsignalized intersections. In addition to conducting traffic signal warrant analysis, the CORSIM traffic simulation was used to estimate traffic delays for potential signal installations. The study demonstrated how signal warrant analysis could be enhanced by the use of traffic simulation, especially in non-typical or marginal traffic signal installations.

Final Report

Completed Report: Download Report (PDF, 244K)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050