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Project Details

Title:Operational Analysis of 12th Ave. N & 18th St. N: Fargo, ND
End Date:August 1999


The 12th Ave. N. corridor in Fargo, ND, serves many industrial, manufacturing, and warehouse facilities, as well as many dwelling units and North Dakota State University (NDSU). The corridor is also heavily used for special events at the Fargodome and NDSU. Currently, a large number of these motorists use the 12th Ave. N. and 18th St. intersection, which is an unsignalized intersection. The average annual daily traffic (AADT) at the 12th Ave. and 18th St. N. intersection ranges from 15,900 to 17,300 vehicles.

Special events cause severe traffic congestion at this intersection primarily for the motorists making an eastbound left turn traveling to NDSU and the Fargodome, while the motorists attempting southbound movements are hindered traveling from the special events. In addition, southbound right turns are restricted during the afternoon peak periods. For these reasons, concerns have been raised over the necessity of a traffic signal at the intersection in Fargo, ND.

Project Deliverables

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050