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Transportation Seminar Series
Transportation Finance

Sep 20, 2011 (2:00 - 2:50 p.m., IACC 422)

Surface Transportation Funding in North Dakota is a complex yet fascinating combination of federal, state and local funding. This seminar will discuss pertinent legislative authorization and appropriation processes covering federal and state revenues used for surface transportation. The process for programming and delivery of projects and services resulting from those programs will also be presented.

Tim Horner, Program Director, Transportation Learning Network, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute – NDSU

Tim is the director of the Transportation Learning Network, a distance learning partnership among organizations in the Western and Upper Great Plains States. Tim spent 32 years with North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) prior to coming to UGPTI. While performing engineering for NDDOT, he held the positions of Assistant Planning Engineer, Bridge Division Director, and Director of the Office of Transportation Programs which coordinated planning, project programming and highway finance for the department. While with the office of Transportation Programs, he was responsible for monitoring federal legislation and scheduling of the NDDOT construction program which at times exceeded $350 million per year. In Mr. Horner's last 3 years with NDDOT he served on the executive team as Deputy Director for Business Support coordinating the divisions of Finance, Information Technology, Communications, Human Resources, Legal, State Fleet, Aviation Services and Strategic Planning. Mr. Horner has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from NDSU and a master's degree in public administration from UND. He is a registered professional engineer.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050