Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Transportation Seminar Series
The Changing Face of America: Diversity and Its Implications

February 18, 2010

What challenges lie ahead in the majority-minority population shift in the U.S.? How will the aging "tsunami" affect the work environment? Do we recognize our own discriminatory beliefs and attitudes? What role does ADA play now, years after its original passage? This seminar will look at the dramatic shift in America's population with regard to color and age. It will present information to assist participants to understand the magnitude of existing and emerging American diversity. Examples of the effect existing legislation and recent lawsuits have had on the concept of multiculturalism and diversity will be provided. It will address groups that are targets for prejudice, inequality and discrimination.

Carol Wright, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute – NDSU

Carol Wright joined the staff of the Small Urban & Rural Transit Center (SURTC) in 2006 as Associate Director of Training and Outreach. She is responsible for the oversight of SURTC's training and outreach efforts. She has more than 12 years of experience as Executive Director of public transportation for a multi-county project in central North Dakota, where she managed all aspects of public transit, including rural transit, specialized transit, Dial-a-Ride and contracted services. Her responsibilities included planning, operations and fiscal management of a million dollar plus annual budget and supervision of 57 full- and part-time employees.

Ms. Wright has also served as an independent consultant for marketing and development with planners, developers, architects and contractors. She has served as a trainer and keynote speaker for national, state and local conferences for the past 18 years.