Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Transportation Seminar Series
Are Class I Railroads Profitable? An Economic Analysis of Railroad Profitability

January 21, 2010

Since passage of the Staggers Act in 1980, the U.S. railroad industry has experienced impressive productivity and financial gains. While profitability has improved over the years, railroad officials believe that revenues generated by most Class I railroads are still inadequate to ensure long-term financial viability. In this presentation, we provide an economic analysis of railroad profitability.

Siew Lim, PhD, North Dakota State University

Siew Hoon Lim is an Assistant Professor of Economics. She joined the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics in 2005, where she has an 80% teaching and 20% research appointment. Her current research is in the area of production economics, applied econometrics, industrial organization, and transportation.