Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Transportation Seminar Series
Road Financing: A Development Perspective

November 3, 2009

Over the past fifty years road development projects have played an integral role in the economic development of countries in many regions of the world particularly developing countries. However, rapid road network expansion during the latter 1980s, early 1990s, and, in some cases, presently; have yielded challenges in securing sustainable sources of financing for the road sector.

Numerous international development agencies have played integral roles in the financing of road projects. There have been mixed measures of performance as relates to the employed strategies, financing techniques, and underlying policies in both the efficiency and efficacy with which they have addressed sustainable road sector funding.

This presentation discusses some of the prevalent issues, their causes, and both present and planned solutions.

Marc Scott, PhD Student – NDSU

Marc received both a B.S. in business economics and an M.S. in transportation from South Carolina State University. He is presently pursuing his PhD in transportation and logistics at North Dakota State University. Marc's research interests include urban transit, transportation and infrastructure finance, transportation policy and planning, international transportation, and strategic planning.