Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Transportation Seminar Series
Transit and Small Urban Sprawl

September 29, 2009

Small urban sprawl has resulted in new housing developments and business centers that have never been served by transit. Unfortunately, transit agencies are often not included in the land development process within small urban communities. The objectives of this study were to determine what steps small urban transit providers are currently taking to integrate transit service into sprawling communities, and to determine what can be done to improve relationships with local governments during the land development planning process.

Del Peterson, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute – NDSU

Del began working with UGPTI's Small Urban & Rural Transit Center in February 2003. He has conducted research pertaining to the small transit vehicle industry, fixed-route development, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) deployment, and passenger mobility enhancements utilizing geographic information systems (GIS) and similar technologies. He holds a B.A. in business management and economics and an M.S. in agribusiness and applied economics with an emphasis in transportation economics. Del's thesis work involved determining optimal procurement strategies for hard red spring wheat buyers based on quality characteristics and geographic locations. Growing up in a rural community, Del knows the importance of a sound transportation system and how it applies to the betterment of small town living.