Transportation Seminar Series
Local Transportation and Planning Challenges from a County Engineer's Perspective
February 9, 2009
County Engineers in the United States face a wide variety of mounting challenges ranging from the most basic local citizen road concerns to national transportation policy matters. This presentation will discuss the challenges facing County Engineers and some of the steps taken in Cass County North Dakota to address these challenges.
Keith Berndt, Cass County Engineer
Keith Berndt has served as the County Engineer for Cass County since 1992. He reports to the Cass County Commission and is responsible for the planning, design, construction and maintenance of Cass County's 650 mile highway system. He is also responsible for the County's planning activities and the County mosquito control program. Mr. Berndt spent 9 years as an active-duty Military officer in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps followed by 11 years as a Reserve Officer. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2006. Mr. Berndt has taught several Construction Contracts and Specifications courses at North Dakota State University and the University of North Dakota. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from North Dakota State University and a Masters Degree in Construction Engineering from the University of Florida. He is a registered professional engineer in North Dakota. He serves as the North Central Region Vice President for the National Association of County Engineers and has been active in the North Dakota Association of County Engineers.