Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Transportation Seminar Series
Role and Importance of Mobility in Our Socio-economic System

October 6, 2008

The mobility of people and freight is not only integral to our socioeconomic system, it is absolutely essential. It is not a sufficient condition for success but it is a first order necessary condition. This seminar will explore the importance of mobility to our way of life and economy in the United States as well as connections to the global economy. Two basic questions will explored with the audience: (1) What is the role and importance of mobility in our socioeconomic system; and, (2) How is the role of mobility changing? A final discussion point will focus on the impact of higher energy prices on freight and personal mobility; e.g., shortening of the supply chain, changes in behavior, development of technology, and influence on investment.

Gene Griffin, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute – NDSU

Gene Griffin, Director of the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, has over 30 years of experience in transportation and logistics as a researcher and as a research administrator. He has conducted scholarly work in the areas of economics, management, business logistics, and public policy as they relate to rail, motor carrier, low volume roads, economic development, rural transit, and agricultural transportation. He has published 18 technical reports, 31 staff papers, and 27 verified statements, testified in several transportation regulatory proceedings, and has conducted transportation consulting on a national and international basis. During his tenure as director the annual budget of the UGPTI has increased from $250,000 to more than $10 million annually and the research faculty has grown from three to 40 academic staff and 10 support staff. Further, the Institute employs approximately 50 students at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level. He has been director of the Institute since 1980. Prior to that, he was a research economist in the North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute and the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute.