Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

Transportation Seminar Series
Demand and Cost Models for Small Urban and Rural Transit: Do They Really Work?

September 12, 2007

Demand forecasts and cost estimates are important components of planning studies for individual transit systems and for state and regional policy analysis. Over the years, a number of approaches have been forwarded to address both needs; however, practitioners have been frustrated that the model results often fail to correspond to reality once systems are implement. This presentation will discuss some of the most frequently used approaches to demand forecasting and cost modeling and then discuss why the results depart from actual experience. Dr. Miller will illustrate these issues based on his previous experience in both Pennsylvania and North Dakota, and will also use the River Cities Public Transit system in Pierre, SD as a case study.

Jim Miller, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute – NDSU

Jim Miller has more than 30 years experience in public transportation research, planning, and management. He was a faculty member in Penn State University's Smeal College of Business Administration from 1976 until his retirement in 2003. He directed the Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center from its founding in 1988 until 2002. He has had a special interest in rural and specialized transit services and helped form policy for Pennsylvania's very extensive shared-ride program. He also helped more than 25 counties design and manage their systems. He was one of the founders and served as chairman of the Centre Area Transportation Authority, the public transit operator for the Penn State/State College, Pennsylvania community. Recently he completed a synthesis of campus transit operations for the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP). In his role as Faculty Affiliate, he is assisting SURTC with its various research projects, including North Dakota's statewide mobility plan and the coordination plan. He also recently completed a business plan for the River Cities Public Transit system in Pierre, SD. He is the instructor for a graduate and upper level undergraduate course on public transportation.