Commercial Vehicle Safety Summit

May 25-26, 2021 • Denver, CO

Speaker Bio

Carrie Silcox
Division Director
Utah Department of Public Safety, Highway Safety Office

Carrie is currently the Director of the Utah Highway Safety Office. She has worked for the State of Utah for over 31 years. She began her career with the Utah Department of Transportation, Motor Carrier Division, working with the SafetyNet System. In 2007, she accepted a position within the Utah Department of Public Safety's Highway Safety Office. She has held the positions of Traffic Records Program Manager and Deputy Director. While working as the Traffic Records Program Manager, Carrie, was instrumental in the State's movement toward electronic submission of crash records, culminating in 2013. Recognizing the need to have one authoritative source for Utah's crash data, improving its accuracy and growing the research capabilities, she was one of the founding partners of the Utah Transportation and Public Safety Crash Data Initiative (UTAPS). Carrie received her Bachelor's Degree from Utah State University.


Funding provided through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

If you would like more information, email Brenda Lantz at