Commercial Vehicle Safety Summit

May 25-26, 2021 • Denver, CO

Speaker Bio

Amber Trueblood
Associate Research Scientist
Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Dr. Amber Trueblood is an Associate Research Scientist at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) where she works on a variety of projects surrounding transportation safety. Her research interests include improving data collection/quality, large truck involved crashes, occupational crashes, vulnerable road users, and impaired driving. She is involved in a multitude of projects with a variety of tasks, ranging from crash analyses to educational outreach efforts. Dr. Trueblood is currently the Principal Investigator on two FMCSA projects focused on exploring MMUCC 5th recommendations and large truck crash reporting. Dr. Trueblood works on a variety of topics and projects, but she is passionate about improving crash reporting and developing educational resources for officers.


Funding provided through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

If you would like more information, email Brenda Lantz at