Commercial Vehicle Safety and CDL Compliance Summit

Nov. 28-29, 2018 • Denver, CO

Speaker Bio

Glenn Davis
Highway Safety Manager
Colorado Department of Transportation

Glenn Davis is the Highway Safety Manager for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Highway Safety Office (HSO).

Glenn's areas of responsibilities for the HSO are Impaired Driving, Police Traffic Services, Motorcycle Safety and Speed Enforcement.

Glenn has served on the Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) curriculum committee, State Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Advisory Council, and Colorado Prevention Leadership Council.

Glenn is former chair and current vice-chair of the Colorado Task Force on Drunk and Impaired Driving (CTFDID), Colorado Motorcycle Operator Advisory Board (MOSAB), former secretary and current parliamentarian of the Colorado State Traffic Records Advisory Committee (CSTRAC) and the CDOT representative on the Colorado Persistent Drunk Driver Committee and Colorado Teen Driving Alliance (CTDA).

Glenn represents the CDOT on the Governor's Marijuana Working Group, Marijuana Education Oversite Committee, Peace Officer Standards and Training Marijuana Working Group.

Glenn retired from Littleton Police (CO) after twenty five years of law enforcement service where he was Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) and Impaired Driving Enforcement Coordinator before joining CDOT.

Glenn has received the following awards:

Glenn has a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and a Master's Degree in Education from Colorado State University.


Funding provided through a grant from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

If you would like more information, email Brenda Lantz at