Tribal Transportation ScholarshipThe Tribal Transportation Scholarships recognize outstanding Native American students with an interest in transportation engineering, economics, or agriculture who are enrolled at North Dakota State University. Scholarship Details
Selection Criteria
FundingFunding for the Transportation Engineering Scholarships and for the Tribal Transportation Scholarship is now provided by the Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability, a group of 11 universities lead by the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at NDSU and funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers Program. Scholarship Recipients
NDSPE ScholarshipsTribal members interested in a career in engineering who are attending the University of Mary, Bismarck State College, and United Tribes Technical College are eligible for scholarships from the ND Society of Professional Engineers Chapter 3 serving south central and southwestern North Dakota. To apply, contact the treasurer of Chapter 3 or the financial aid office at these colleges. Applications must be completed and emailed no later than February 11. |