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Student of the Year Award
2001-2002 Recipient

Elizabeth Rae Hunter

Hunter is a graduate student in the Civil Engineering Department, University of Wyoming with a grade point average of 3.5. The focus of her degree is in transportation materials. She is from Valley City, N.D.

Currently, she is researching the effects of moisture on the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures and utilizing the Georgia Loaded Wheel Tester to predict moisture damage. Hunter was nominated for her outstanding achievements in research as well as in the classroom. She has been involved in several paving materials studies.

She holds a BS degree in Secondary Education with majors in Mathematics and Biology. Upon completion of that degree she taught 8th grade science in Elizabeth, Colo., for two years.

In December 2000, she received a BS degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Wyoming and was initiated as a member of Tau Beta Pi. After receiving her Masters degree, she plans to return to North Dakota with her husband. She has accepted employment with the consulting firm of Kadrmas, Lee and Jackson as a Transportation Engineer.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050