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Lifetime Achievement Award
2021 Recipient

Cal Gendreau

Cal Gendreau will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes individuals who have had a distinguished career in a transportation-related field and have demonstrated long-term professional excellence.

Gendreau, a former NDDOT construction engineer, is being recognized for his innovative and progressive work in integrating new technology into the design, bidding, and construction of highway projects across North Dakota.

Gendreau began working for the North Dakota State Highway Department as a temporary construction employee in 1974. He received a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of North Dakota in 1976 and became a registered professional engineer in 1980.

Gendreau's 42-year career with NDDOT included highway and bridge construction, highway design, and construction contract administration. He designed the first recycled concrete pavement project in North Dakota on Interstate 94. From 1991 to 2017, he served as North Dakota's State Construction Engineer and guided the development of internet bidding, automated construction records, and the use of mobile data collection devices on highway construction projects.

As an active member of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and the Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Gendreau helped advance highway construction specifications.

Retired from NDDOT, Gendreau and his wife, Dana, continue to reside in Bismarck. Their two sons are now also engineers.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050