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Paul E.R. Abrahamson Transportation Scholarship
2013 Recipient

Tiffany Swanson

Swanson is a senior in agricultural economics and public relations and advertising from Norwood Young America, MN. She is active in the NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club, serving as Little International art chair and historian. She is also a member of the Post-Secondary Agriculture Students Chapter, Agriculture Communicators of Tomorrow, and Collegiate Farm Bureau. She has served as a photographer for the NDSU's student newspaper, the Spectrum, andwas a Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador and a 4-H Tech Wizards Volunteer. A summer as a grain analyst intern with the South Dakota Wheat Growers gave her an appreciation of the role that transportation and logistics in crops marketing. After graduation, she hopes to work as a commodity trader.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050