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Staff Bio

Ed Ryen, P.E.
Western ND Transportation Liaison Assistant
Phone: (701)893-8567
Email: ed.ryen@ndsu.edu

Ed has more than 40 years of experience in transportation engineering. After graduating from NDSU, he began his career with the NDDOT in the Williston NDDOT district as a project engineer on several structural and highway projects. As a bridge inspector for the district, he gained experience which brought him to the Bismarck Central office to manage the bridge inspection program.

During his career with the NDDOT, he a gained additional experience while with the Planning Division and Maintenance and Engineering Services Division. While working for the NDDOT, Ed was active in national committee development efforts with WASHTO, AASHTO and Rural ITS. Ed also worked in the private sector with ND consulting firms where he managed transportation activities in the areas of planning, design and construction.

With his 40+ years of experience, he brings valuable knowledge in construction, bridge inspection/structures, planning, emergency operations and highway technology, such as ESS, RWIS and ITS.


  • 2020-Present, Western Liaison Assistant, NDLTAP
  • 2016-2020, Senior Project Manager, WSB, Bismarck, ND
  • 2013-2016, TRAC Director, North Dakota Department of Transportation
  • 2011-2012, Transportation Manager, HDR, Bismarck, ND
  • 1979-2011, Transportation Engineer, North Dakota Department of Transportation


  • Registered Professional Engineer
  • B.S.C.E., Civil Engineering, NDSU

Professional Memberships/Affiliations

  • ASHE, Central Dacotah Section, Former Board member
  • ACEC
  • Professional Engineer
  • Incident Command Certification for Complex Incidents
NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050