Transportation and logistics graduate students presentPosted: Feb 15, 2011 Two NDSU transportation and logistics doctoral students presented papers at the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Simulation Conference in Austin, Texas, in November. Ieelong Peter Chen presented the paper, "Collaborative Transportation Management in the Supply Chain: Shipper and Carrier Perspectives." It is unique because it presents information from the carrier's perspective. The paper was co-written by Joseph Szmerekovsky, associate professor of management at NDSU. Sumadhur Shakya presented the paper, "Valuing Pricing of Genetically Modified Traits Using Monte-Carlo Simulation: A Real Option Approach." The Monte-Carlo approach has the advantage of providing full distribution of values of outcome instead of presenting one of many scenarios. The paper was co-written by researcher Bruce Dahl and professor William Wilson, both from NDSU's Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics. In addition, Nimish Dharmadhikari attended the Railroad Environmental Conference 2010 in October at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The conference focused on factors relating to railroads, such as pollution prevention, energy, emissions and air quality, and environmental liability. Dharmadhikari will use this information in his research. Published in NDSU's staff newsletter |