Employing Technology to Establish No-Passing ZonesPosted: Oct 8, 2024 Researchers at the University of Wyoming developed a system for establishing passing zones on rural two-lane highways that is more accurate and more efficient that an existing outdated system. The two-vehicle system uses vehicle-to-vehicle communication, video technology, GPS, speed data and machine vision systems to establish passing and no-passing zones. With multiple units of the state-of-the-art prototypes, WYDOT, counties and local jurisdictions in Wyoming, such as the Wind River Indian Reservation, would be able to continuously conduct their two-lane highway striping/re-striping operations without experiencing the difficulty arising from a shortage in the equipment. Also, WYDOT and local government agencies would be protected from liability when passing-related crashes occur. Ahmed Farid, Ph.D. Developing a Prototype System for Establishing Passing and No-Passing Zones of Two-Lane Highways |