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Research Provides Roadmap for CAV Crash Reporting and Safe CAV Deployment

Posted: Aug 6, 2024

Research at Utah State University provides a roadmap for standardizing connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) crash reporting practices across the United States. By implementing recommendations such as uniform reporting forms, enhanced legislative frameworks, and targeted education and training programs, states can achieve consistent data collection and improve safety assessments. This standardization facilitates accurate comparisons of CAV performance across jurisdictions to inform future policies and regulations. Ultimately, the research contributes to the safe and effective deployment of CAVs on public roads, fostering trust in CAV technology and enhancing road safety for all users. Researchers evaluated CAV crash reporting practices across the United States. Through a survey of state transportation officials and a review of current practices and legislation, the study identified challenges in data consistency and gaps in reporting.

Michelle Mekker, Ph.D.
Utah State University

State of the Practice of Crash Reporting in the U.S. and Implications for CAV Safety Assessment

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