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Next ND County and Local Road Needs Study Is Underway

Posted: Aug 9, 2021

Traffic counts and road data collection began early this summer, marking the beginning of work on the 2022 version of UGPTI's local road and bridge investment needs study. This will be the fifth biennial study of local road and bridge investment needs conducted by UGPTI since the first study was conducted in 2011-2013.

The researchers are enhancing their data collection. They met with local gravel experts from across the state in early July to examine ways to improve gravel cost estimates. Efforts also continue to educate county staff on inputting roadway condition information into the Geographic Roadway Information Tool (GRIT). With information on roadway characteristics and conditions, construction projects, load restrictions, and other factors, GRIT is an easy-to-use tool for local roadway managers and provides valuable information for the investment needs study.

"Over the past decade we have developed a process for conducting this study supported by people with considerable expertise," noted Tim Horner, the UGPTI researcher who is coordinating the study. "We continue to focus on improving the quality of the data so that the results of the study are as accurate and useful as possible."

The research responds to the N.D. Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure of all county, township, and tribal roads and bridges in the state. Infrastructure needs were estimated using detailed traffic models and the most current crop and oil production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition data.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050