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TLN Provides Professional Development for Region's Transportation Workers

Posted: Nov 27, 2020

UGPTI's Transportation Learning Network (TLN) has launched its 2020-2021 training season with an increased emphasis on high-quality, timely, innovative, and practical content that cooperators can use immediately. Upcoming courses include:

  • Reviewing, Approving and Getting Contractors to Submit Good Project Schedules
  • Risk Management 101: Personnel
  • The Flexible Leader
  • Off the Job Safety: Innovation for Employers
  • Powerful Conversations to Engage Your Workforce

TLN efforts focus on assuring that DOT employees and others in the transportation workforce are prepared to implement new technology, work safer, and complete technical tasks accurately and efficiently. TLN is a collaborative effort of consortium of several universities led by NDSU and participating departments of transportation in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. TLN is currently working with the Nebraska Department of Transportation to explore extending training there as well. In the 2019-2020 training season (October through May), TLN delivered 48 unique presentations to a total of more than 4,000 participants. Two of the presentations reached more than 400 participants.

TLN is UGPTI's outreach champion in online/virtual environments, making it a go-to for training during the COVID-19 shut-downs. In fact, participants in TLN courses began to increase and TLN was asked to partner with other programs in the region to help them deliver content to their customers. For more information, visit the TLN website.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050