ND County and Local Road Needs Study Report CompletedPosted: Nov 23, 2020 The final 2020 version of UGPTI's report on North Dakota local road and bridge investment needs has been completed and posted on the UGPTI website. The report predicts estimated investment needs of $9.3 billion over the next 20 years. Investment needs of $6.14 billion to maintain gravel roads make up 66% of the total. The report indicates that $2.67 billion will be needed to maintain paved roads and $498.81 million will be needed to replace or maintain bridges. If averaged over the next 20 years, the annualized infrastructure need is equivalent to $466 million per year. Increased investments in the paved roads during the 2014 and 2016 bienniums improved overall pavement condition. However, pavement condition data collected in 2019 indicate a slight increase in miles of poor-condition roads and a decrease in miles of good-condition roads. This slight decrease in overall pavement condition is likely due to somewhat reduced investments in pavement beginning in the 2018 biennium. The research responds to the N.D. Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure of all county, township, and tribal roads and bridges in the state. Infrastructure needs were estimated using detailed traffic models and the most current crop and oil production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition data. |