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NDSU Researchers Examine Data Sets from First Connected Vehicle Project to Enhance Future Research

Posted: Sep 28, 2020

A study that will help analysts better use the vast volume of data collected from connected vehicle systems was recently published by NDSU researchers.

"A Review of Usage of Large-Scale Connected Vehicle Data" by transportation and logistics Ph.D. student Yun Zhou and Raj Bridgelall, assistant professor of transportation and logistics was recently published in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

GPS loggers and cameras aboard connected vehicles can produce vast amounts of data that can be analyzed to reduce crashes, improve traffic flow, enhance system operational efficiencies, and reduce environmental impacts. However, because connected vehicle technologies are in the very early phases of deployment, related datasets are extremely scarce, and the utility of such emerging datasets is largely unknown. The NDSU researchers examined datasets from the United States Department of Transportation Connected Vehicle Safety Pilot Model Deployment program, the first and only dataset currently available to the public. They examined how that data has been used to date and provide assessments on how this and future data sets could be improved and better used to facilitate research.

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