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Williams County Shows Benefits of Staged Construction

Posted: Jun 22, 2020

Building roads in phases, also known as staged construction, is a great option for building quality roads while also managing funding, according to Williams County Highway Superintendent Dennis Nelson. Nelson outlined Williams County's approach to staged construction in an article in the ND Association of Counties' newspaper, County News. Williams County Communications Officer Lindsay Harriman assisted in developing the article.

"Roadway network improvements can often be tackled best through phased construction. In these uncertain times, phased construction makes sense." NDLTAP director Dale Heglund noted in the article. "It spreads the investment needs over several years, key criteria for counties as they navigate through the uncertainties of funding in markets like we are currently experiencing. Williams County is a role model for staged construction, a fundamental, long-term network planning tool.

Read the entire article on page 8 of the May/June issue of County News, or download a copy of the article.

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