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Halling Named MPC Director at USU

Posted: Apr 23, 2020

Marv Halling, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Utah State University and longtime MPC collaborator and principle investigator has been named MPC director for USU. He currently serves as head of the department's Structures Division. As director, he will coordinate USU's participation in the eight-university consortium and will serve as liaison to MPC's lead university, North Dakota State University. Halling replaces Paul Barr who was recently named vice provost at USU. Barr served as MPC director at USU for more than eight years.

"We thank Paul for his service to MPC and for helping us to engage Utah State researchers in a robust program of research. We're confident that Marv's background and expertise will contribute to our program's success in the future," MPC director Denver Tolliver said.

Halling's professional career includes 4 years in structural engineering consulting in Los Angeles and 23 years as a university faculty member. He received a PhD from CalTech and an MS from Stanford University. He has tested and instrumented several bridges as part of the Federal Highway Administration's Long-Term Bridge Performance Program. Additionally, Dr. Halling has tested and instrumented many bridges in Utah for studies funded by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and the Utah Transportation Center. Halling has been involved in transportation infrastructure research since the late 1990's.

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