Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability

Managing Truck Traffic to Improve Safety

Posted: Nov 1, 2019

Findings from MPC research at the University of Wyoming are expected to help transportation managers and policy makers decide on management strategies for highway facilities carrying a large percentage of trucks. The benefits for the Wyoming Department of Transportation, as well as other agencies that face similar problems on their freeway network, are in the detailed assessment of traffic conditions along the corridor, as well as the timeline of improvements that would create the most benefits as traffic increases over the years.

The researchers performed operational and safety analyses along I-80, with a focus on high truck percentages (47% of vehicle miles traveled) and climbing lanes as the most promising countermeasures for steep vertical grades. They found that climbing lanes have a potential to improve traffic conditions for passenger cars by reducing delays and increasing speeds. Less platooning is observed, as well as larger headways between vehicles. Climbing lanes can also reduce total crashes from 6% to 34% and truck related crashes from 1% to 16% respectively.

Milan Zlatkovic, Ph.D.
University of Wyoming

Operational and Safety Analysis with Mitigation Strategies for Freeway Truck Traffic in Wyoming