CFRP Reinforcement Extends Life of Rebar in Concrete Bridges
Posted: Jun 3, 2019
The fatigue life of rebar in reinforced concrete beams could be doubled or tripled through the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP), MPC researchers at Colorado State University found. The researchers studied the effect of externally bonded CFRP on slowing or arresting fatigue crack growth in the steel rebar in a reinforced concrete beam subjected to cyclic loading and service temperature. A unique test was devised to directly measure fatigue crack propagation rates in the tensile steel reinforcement of full-scale reinforced concrete beams with and without CFRP repairs. Prolonging the service life of reinforced concrete bridges that are subjected to deterioration and fatigue cycles would result in significant cost savings for federal, state and local agencies and taxpayers.
Hussam Mahmoud, Ph.D.,
Colorado State University