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Video Highlights Curve Warning System

Posted: Dec 6, 2019

The dynamic curve warning system developed by UGPTI's Advanced Traffic Analysis Center was featured in a video produced by the Minnesota Local Roads Research Board. The project, which was funded by the board, sends a warning via smart phone app to drivers when vehicle speeds are too high as they approach a curve. In the approximately 3-minute video, ATAC director Brad Wentz describes the concept and initial tests. Others involved in the project include researcher Mohammad Smadi, IT student supervisor Megan Bouret, and computer science graduate students Mostafa Ashan and Santipab Tipparach.

While the smartphone application is used for proof of concept, the research team sees great value potential in the online warning database as a way for transportation agencies to enter and maintain reduced speed locations within their jurisdictions. The data would be made available to navigation systems and vehicle manufacturers via the cloud. The final report, "Cloud-Based Dynamic Warning System," by Wentz and Smadi was published earlier this year by the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

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