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Transportation and Logistics Ph.D. Student to Present Research

Posted: Nov 8, 2013

From left to right, Chris I. Enyinda, Khalid Backhar, and Fesseha GebremikaelFesseha Gebremikael, an NDSU transportation and logistics doctoral student, has been selected to present his research at the National Decision Science Institute (DSI) Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD, Nov. 16.

His paper, "Decision Support Model for Managing Disruptive Influences in Global Supply Chain Operations: A Sensitivity Analysis Insight" will also be published in the referred DSI 2013 Proceedings. In the paper, Gebremikael identifies a proposed decision support model to examine the most important disruptive influences in a firm's food supply chain.

Co-authors are Chris I. Enyinda, Canadian University of Dubai, UAE and Khalid Backhar, California State University. Both are graduates of the NDSU Ph.D. program in transportation and logistics.

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