Project Details
AbstractISS is the primary tool supported by FMCSA for use on the roadside to screen commercial motor carrier vehicles for inspection. ISS provides carrier identification data, an overall inspection value from 1 to 100, and many additional safety performance indicators. ISS is also used to improve data integrity by auto-populating carrier identification fields in the Aspen inspection software. The ISS inspection value is based on a carrier's SafeStat Safety Evaluation Area values if sufficient safety data is available. If sufficient safety evaluation data is not available, the carrier is assigned a value based on past inspection rate relative to size. New Entrant motor carriers are identified in the software and automatically receive a high inspection value because of the lack of past inspections. The ISS software is available for download from InfoSys website and is distributed to FMCSA field offices and State partners via CD quarterly. Automated database updates are available monthly using a web service connection to the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Individual carrier records can be updated using the SAFER dialup or network connection at any time. The ISS software may be obtained and used free of charge by authorized FMCSA and State Safety Enforcement personnel. For more information about this project, please email Brenda Lantz ( |